They say that they want to shrink the federal government, but we all know that’s a bloody lie. Project 2025 proves it.
It also proves that the scheme to tear down the Constitution, the “Convention of States,” is marketing itself on a big fat lie. Convention of States claims to oppose an “overreaching federal government,” yet the same people who support the Convention of States also support Project 2025.
People like ex-Trump official uncle Ben Carson and Ken Cuccinelli, the religious totalitarian who wants to make “homosexuality” a crime. Here is the list of organizations who support Project 2025. The list is a who’s who of totalitarian, theocratic organizations who seek a brutal religious regime like that of Afghanistan or Iran. The presidents of these organizations are endorsers of the Convention of States.
So, when these people claim to want to roll back the federal government, they are fucking lying. Their support for Project 2025 tells the truth.
Anyhow, let’s get on with the details.
Data Collection. The CDC’s abortion surveillance and maternity mortality reporting systems are woefully inadequate. CDC abortion data are reported by states on a voluntary basis, and California, Maryland, and New Hampshire do not submit abortion data at all. Accurate and reliable statistical data about abortion, abortion survivors, and abortion-related maternal deaths are essential to timely, reliable public health and policy analysis.
(Page 455)
Because liberal states have now become sanctuaries for abortion tourism, HHS should use every available tool, including the cutting of funds, to ensure that every state reports exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother’s state of residence, and by what method.
It didn’t take long for them to forget all that “let the states decide” stuff. Now, MAGA is calling for the federal government to become far more invasive in the affairs of states than it currently is. Their demands for vastly expanded surveillance, in their own words, is clearly intended to harass “liberal states.” They’re even advocating the use of blackmail (federal funding) to force states to comply with their dictates.
But there’s more.
Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds. During the 2020–2021 reporting period, Planned Parenthood performed more than 383,000 abortions. The national organization reported more than $133 million in excess revenue and more than $2.1 billion in net assets. During this same year, Planned Parenthood reports that its affiliates received more than $633 million in government funding and more than $579 million in private contributions. Planned Parenthood affiliates face accusations of waste, abuse and potential fraud with taxpayer dollars, failure to report the sexual abuse of minor girls, and allegations of profiting from the sale of organs from aborted babies.
(Page 471)
Here, Project 2025 uses the federal government to target a specific private charity for harm. More importantly, Project 2025 intends to do this harm based on mere allegations, many of them debunked, including the vicious lie that Planned Parenthood “profits from sale of organs from aborted babies.” Planned Parenthood “facing allegations” justifies nothing other than the intense, pre-existing bigotry of the creators of Project 2025.
And right above it on the same page, there is this step in the direction of North Korea with a dose of irony:
(Page 471)
Prohibit abortion travel funding. Providing funding for abortions increases the number of abortions and violates the conscience and religious freedom rights of Americans who object to subsidizing the taking of life.
This passage sounds relatively mild, but it does signal MAGA’s eagerness to impose travel bans even if this is not in itself a travel ban. And this business about “violates the conscience and religious freedom rights of Americans who object to subsidizing the taking of life” – does that mean that Americans who object to war can opt out of paying taxes, or should we simply defund the Armed Forces? Oh, yeah, it’s just MAGA acting as if their consciences are the only ones that matter and ought to be respected.
Next, Project 2025 signals its support for government control of news media:
Agency Mission Failure. Currently, the USAGM, by and large, is not fulfilling its mission, which remains so ill-defined and ambiguous that it enables the organization to go about its business largely unguided with little to no oversight. Rather than providing news and information in an accurate, reliable way that promotes and supports freedom and democracy, the agency is mismanaged, disorganized, ineffective, and rife with waste and redundancy. These shortfalls are either oriented toward, or directly contribute to, the agency’s media organizations joining the mainstream medias anti-U.S. chorus and denigrating the American story — all in the name of so-called journalistic independence. Indeed, content during the Trump Administration was rife with typical mainstream media talking points assailing the President and his staff. The few bright spots within VOA and the OCB are often stifled instead of supported.
(Page 240)
This primarily talks about the Voice of America media outreach, but MAGA makes its contempt for journalistic independence clear. It exposes their ambitions. MAGA’s “must carry” orders within Sinclair Broadcasting, which mandated that all Sinclair affiliates to broadcast far right propaganda and pro-Trump content, tells us exactly where Project 2025 is going.
Such as, expanding MAGA government control of Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Public Radio, the few entities not already controlled by the giant corporate media conglomerates, which already severely limit the dissemination of any information that MAGA will at least tolerate:
(Page 241)
Conservatives will thus reward a President who eliminates this tyrannical situation. PBS and NPR do not even bother to run programming that would attract conservatives. As Pew Research demonstrated in 2014, 25 percent of PBS’s audience is “mostly liberal,” and 35 percent is “consistently liberal.” That is 60 percent liberal compared to 15 percent conservative (11 percent “mostly conservative” and 4 percent “consistently conservative”).50 NPRs audience is even to the Left of that, with 67 percent liberal (41 percent “consistently liberal” and 26 percent “mostly liberal”), compared with 12 percent conservative (3 percent and 9 percent “consistently conservative” and “mostly conservative,” respectively).
Make no mistake; this translates into standard English as requiring NPR and PBS to carry right wing hate propaganda. The last major media outlets that tell truths unwelcome to MAGA will be prohibited from continuing to do so. Yet you can be certain that there will be no federal directive requiring the big media conglomerates to accommodate true left-wing or libertarian content.
Now, let us next weaponize the Justice Department:
Ultimately, the department will have to make tough calls as it manages its litigation, but those calls must always be consistent with the President’s policy agenda and the rule of law. A line attorney should never either directly or indirectly pursue a policy agenda through litigation that is inconsistent with the agenda of his or her client agency or the President. The department should also be cognizant of any attempts to slow litigation and outlast the Administration to avoid finality. The next conservative Administration should therefore:
(Page 559)
* Issue guidance to ensure that litigation decisions are consistent with the President’s agenda and the rule of law.
* Ensure that, consistent with this principle, the department’s leadership is prepared to impose appropriate disciplinary action as circumstances arise.
The entire Chapter 17, where this snippet appears, is in itself a unit on far right code words. The snippet below makes it evident that “impartiality” will only be achieved in the Department of Justice when every staffer in the DOJ shares their totalitarian religious government agenda. The right wing defines “impartial” as never acknowledging that they themselves might be in the wrong, and never acknowledging that people with other ideologies might be right.
Large swaths of the department have been captured by an unaccountable bureaucratic managerial class and radical Left ideologues who have embedded themselves throughout its offices and components. The department also suffers from institutional inattentiveness to its core functions. Instead of being perceived as possessing the utmost impartiality and fairness as it advances the national interest on behalf of the American people– fighting crime and defending the rule of law–the DOJ has become a department that 46.6 percent of Americans recently indicated is, in their view, “too political, corrupt, and not to be trusted.”
(Page 545)
And then there’s this: MAGA is outraged that the Department of Justice has policies to ensure that its staff come from all walks of life. A totalitarian MAGA regime simply cannot tolerate the existence of a DOJ that understands people of other beliefs and ways of life:
Even though numerous federal laws prohibit discrimination based on notable immutable characteristics such as race and sex, the Biden Administration– through the DOJs Civil Rights Division and other federal entities–has enshrined afflrmative discrimination in all aspects of its operations under the guise of “equity.” Federal agencies and their components have established so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) offlces that have become the vehicles for this unlawful discrim ination, and all departments and agencies have created “equity” plans to carry out these invidious schemes.
(Page 561)
There you have it. The DOJ will not be “fair and impartial” until “radical Left ideologues” (read: people from all walks of life who believe in fairness and impartiality) have been eliminated from the agency.
For the next snippets, keep in mind that these appear in the chapter that addresses the Department of Justice.
Announcing a Campaign to Enforce the Criminal Prohibitions in 18 U.S. Code 1461 and 1462 Against Providers and Distributors of Abortion Pills That Use the Mail. Federal law prohibits mailing “[e]very article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing which is advertised or described in a manner calculated to lead another to use or apply it for producing abortion.” Following the Supreme Courts decision in Dobbs, there is now no federal prohibition on the enforcement of this statute. The Department of Justice in the next conservative Administration should therefore announce its intent to enforce federal law against providers and distributors of such pills.
(Page 562)
That’s right; swiftly unleash the full power of federal government. MAGA’s earlier claims that they simply want to “let the states decide” is shown for the lie that it was.
Next, let’s put the hen house of our elections into the hands of the foxes at MAGA.
Reassigning Responsibility for Prosecuting Election-Related Offenses from the Civil Rights Division to the Criminal Division. The Attorney General in the next conservative Administration should reassign responsibility for prosecuting violations of 18 U.S. Code 24176 from the Civil Rights Division to the Criminal Division where it belongs. Otherwise, voter registration fraud and unlawful ballot correction will remain federal election offenses that are never appropriately investigated and prosecuted.
(Page 562)
Remember above: The setting described is within a DOJ that has now been confined to conforming with “the president’s agenda.” We have already seen what the President’s agenda” is with respect to elections. Any election that MAGA doesn’t “win” will be presumed to be “fraudulent” and the burden of proof will be to show that it wasn’t.
Far from shrinking the federal government and reining its power, MAGA’s Project 2025 in fact would multiply the power of federal government, make it much more aggressive, and place the entirety of it in the hands of MAGA’s “Biblical worldview” – which is effectively a commitment never to listen to anyone who believes differently than they do.
2 responses to “Project 2025 Deep Dive 2: A Supercharged Federal Government”
Appropriate disciplinary actions, they can fk off.
And you know what.