Category: Solutions
How to Stand Up to Hate in Your Community
To stand up to hate in our community, or anywhere else, we must be as hard as granite: an impenetrable stone wall of opposition. Don’t ever give hate an inch or it will take a mile. Hate will look for ways to use your goodness against you. Hate will look for ways to use your…
Face it: MAGA is 1930s Germany 2.0. So, what do we do about it?
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright wrote that a fascist “is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve the goals he or she might have.” Vice President Henry Wallace,…
- Advice for the Times (2)
- Christian Patriarchy Movement (1)
- Cults (1)
- Elections (1)
- Fascism in Unexpected Places (1)
- Hatred For Educators (1)
- Hatred of Sex (5)
- Lethal Bigotry (1)
- MAGA (12)
- MAGA and Hitler Comparisons (5)
- MAGA Hate Speech Collection (3)
- MAGA Terrorism (2)
- Murderous Quotes and Hate Speech (4)
- My Crystal Ball (4)
- Outright Fascism (7)
- Project 2025 (6)
- Religious Dictatorship (6)
- Religious Nationalism (5)
- Right Wing "Parental Rights" (2)
- Right Wing Child And Spousal Abuse (2)
- Right Wing Child Endangerment (1)
- Solutions (2)
- Spiritual Abuse (2)
- Supreme Court (5)
- The Constitution (8)
- Twisted Humor (1)
- Uncategorized (2)