Category: Religious Dictatorship
What if Project 2025 was the Cuban Missile Crisis
If Project 2025 was the Cuban Missile Crisis, would Republicans deny that it is even a threat? The stock deflection tactic that’s being launched at Democrats and civil libertarians goes something like this: “What makes you think that Trump would implement Project 2025? He never said he would. He denies even knowing about it!” Trump…
Quick Take: MAGA Hates Lady Liberty
We all know that MAGA hates freedom with a passion, but it’s uncommon for them to attack an icon of American liberty itself. But this cutthroat MAGA tyrant tells all: It is no accident that these goddess of liberty (queen of heaven) statues proliferated when they did in the 1800s. It was associated with official proclamation…
The Culture Wars are not a Distraction. They are MAGA’s sole mission and purpose.
The capacity of Americans to deny reality is unsurpassed. The right wing is routinely accused of living in a world that is completely separated from reality, and that part is true in many ways. But the Left is just as adept and committed to denying reality, furiously doing that cowardly thing of legend that ostriches…
Project 2025 Deep Dive 1: Dehumanization of the LGBTQ+ Community
A reader asked me a couple months ago if I would dig deep into Project 2025 and expose what’s in there. I put it in my to-do stack of drafts. This is the first installment. To be fair, there are some good ideas in the sections that I analyze below. I see nothing wrong with…
The Unbelievable Arrogance of Mike Johnson’s “Booblical Worldview”
Set aside, for the moment, the jaw-dropping hypocrisy of a pro-insurrectionist MAGA leader suddenly pretending to be compassionately concerned about the supposed disenfranchisement of Democratic voters. You unbelievably shameless son of a fucking bitch! My topic is not so much the substance, or lack of substance thereof, of MAGA Monkey Ears Mike Johnson suddenly pretending…
MAGA Hate, Page 4: Religious Tyranny Edition
Quotes and references that showcase MAGA’s searing contempt for individual liberty, freedom of conscience, and secular government. MAGA totalitarian James Dobson, who endorses MAGA’s endeavor to eliminate our existing Constitution and replace it with a charter of tyranny, says this: “Tragically, the words written by Supreme Court Justices O’Connor, Kennedy and Souter in the Casey…
- Advice for the Times (2)
- Christian Patriarchy Movement (1)
- Cults (1)
- Elections (1)
- Fascism in Unexpected Places (1)
- Hatred For Educators (1)
- Hatred of Sex (5)
- Lethal Bigotry (1)
- MAGA (12)
- MAGA and Hitler Comparisons (5)
- MAGA Hate Speech Collection (3)
- MAGA Terrorism (2)
- Murderous Quotes and Hate Speech (4)
- My Crystal Ball (4)
- Outright Fascism (7)
- Project 2025 (6)
- Religious Dictatorship (6)
- Religious Nationalism (5)
- Right Wing "Parental Rights" (2)
- Right Wing Child And Spousal Abuse (2)
- Right Wing Child Endangerment (1)
- Solutions (2)
- Spiritual Abuse (2)
- Supreme Court (5)
- The Constitution (8)
- Twisted Humor (1)
- Uncategorized (2)