Category: My Crystal Ball
The Early – and Brazen – Beginnings of MAGA in the 1990s
You would never suspect it from the lack of coverage by the cowardly mainstream “liberal media,” but “Christian” nationalism was already taking off like a rocket in 1994. Its immense and powerful disinformation campaign about American history was appearing almost simultaneously in newspapers and radio shows across the United States, often almost word for word,…
MAGA Is Over 30 Years Old – and the MSM Did Their Damnedest to Bury The Story
Check out the date on this page from the March, 1994 edition of the Christian Coalition’s Christian American newspaper. It’s “Christian” nationalism on full display, and it became the majority of the elected Republican Party the morning after the November 1994 election. This is Mike Huckabee, the same Mike Huckabee who attended a 2015 GOP…
** I HAVE IT!! **
It takes the form of a PDF file, but you can navigate this PDF as if it’s an actual Web site. Here are my works when I was 20-25 years old. These will show that I was warning about Trumpism 30 full years ago! Browse away!
In MAGA World, There Will Be No Law and Order
Why? Because MAGA has stated their intent to defund the police – that is, the police who exist to protect minority groups from right wing terrorism. It will begin with the fourth reich’s Project 2025 which, among other things, aims to neuter federal law enforcement as we know it – most importantly, those arms of…
- Advice for the Times (2)
- Christian Patriarchy Movement (1)
- Cults (1)
- Elections (1)
- Fascism in Unexpected Places (1)
- Hatred For Educators (1)
- Hatred of Sex (5)
- Lethal Bigotry (1)
- MAGA (12)
- MAGA and Hitler Comparisons (5)
- MAGA Hate Speech Collection (3)
- MAGA Terrorism (2)
- Murderous Quotes and Hate Speech (4)
- My Crystal Ball (4)
- Outright Fascism (7)
- Project 2025 (6)
- Religious Dictatorship (6)
- Religious Nationalism (5)
- Right Wing "Parental Rights" (2)
- Right Wing Child And Spousal Abuse (2)
- Right Wing Child Endangerment (1)
- Solutions (2)
- Spiritual Abuse (2)
- Supreme Court (5)
- The Constitution (8)
- Twisted Humor (1)
- Uncategorized (2)