Category: MAGA
With MAGA, Hate Really Is The Glue
Have you ever wondered what holds a ball of protons together in an atomic nucleus, despite the fact that protons, having the same electrostatic charge, should repel one another so strongly that the repulsion tears the nucleus apart? Those protons are held together by the Strong Force of nuclear physics. Now, let’s push some protons…
MAGA Is Over 30 Years Old – and the MSM Did Their Damnedest to Bury The Story
Check out the date on this page from the March, 1994 edition of the Christian Coalition’s Christian American newspaper. It’s “Christian” nationalism on full display, and it became the majority of the elected Republican Party the morning after the November 1994 election. This is Mike Huckabee, the same Mike Huckabee who attended a 2015 GOP…
The Unbelievable Arrogance of Mike Johnson’s “Booblical Worldview”
Set aside, for the moment, the jaw-dropping hypocrisy of a pro-insurrectionist MAGA leader suddenly pretending to be compassionately concerned about the supposed disenfranchisement of Democratic voters. You unbelievably shameless son of a fucking bitch! My topic is not so much the substance, or lack of substance thereof, of MAGA Monkey Ears Mike Johnson suddenly pretending…
MAGA Hate, Page 4: Religious Tyranny Edition
Quotes and references that showcase MAGA’s searing contempt for individual liberty, freedom of conscience, and secular government. MAGA totalitarian James Dobson, who endorses MAGA’s endeavor to eliminate our existing Constitution and replace it with a charter of tyranny, says this: “Tragically, the words written by Supreme Court Justices O’Connor, Kennedy and Souter in the Casey…
How MAGA Really Feels About The Right To Privacy
You may, of late, hear far right organizations pretending to care about the right to privacy. Often, they appeal to children’s rights to privacy when they spill their malicious bile against the rights of transgender students. Every fascist movement requires a current, trendy target – and as of now, trans Americans are it. Let’s get…
MAGA Literally Wrote The Book(s) On Child Abuse (Or, How Democrats Should Go Absolutely Nuclear in the “Culture Wars”)
“It takes a fanatic to abuse a child like this. Unfortunately, the kind of people who actually run for office or run for school boards on the ‘MAGA’ platform are fanatics. Fanaticism propels their relentless quests for political power. To vote for MAGA candidates is to vote for fanatics, and fanatics are the ones who…
Constitutional Convention: Once A Far Right Bogeyman, Now Their Path To Tyranny
It is often said that the accusation is always the confession when it comes from the right wing. This is no different. There was a time, a few decades ago, when the right wing vehemently opposed the idea of calling a Convention of States, sometimes known as a Constitutional Convention. They argued that anyone who…
** I HAVE IT!! **
It takes the form of a PDF file, but you can navigate this PDF as if it’s an actual Web site. Here are my works when I was 20-25 years old. These will show that I was warning about Trumpism 30 full years ago! Browse away!
Cults, MAGA, and Churches That Abuse
Partisans like to insult MAGA by comparing Trumpism to a brainwashed cult. But how fair is that, really? Let’s take a look. Noted cult expert Steven Hassan has studied the psychological techniques of cult mind control extensively and has assembled this chart of the most common mind control techniques by category. Evangelical Christian author Ronald…
Face it: MAGA is 1930s Germany 2.0. So, what do we do about it?
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright wrote that a fascist “is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve the goals he or she might have.” Vice President Henry Wallace,…
The MAGA Doctrine of Religious Liberty: “It’s My Right to Leave You to Die Because Your Existence Goes Against My Conscience!”
If that sounds like a wild, histrionic exaggeration, I get that. But I am going to demonstrate that this is well within the realm of possibility. But first things first: As is usually the case, MAGA’s definition of words and phrases is very unlike what normal people understand them to be. Oftentimes, MAGA’s definitions of…
Humanity’s Worst Built-In Design Flaw (Or, Things That Fascists Do Best)
Prisoners of war, plantation slavery in the antebellum South, and most hostages have one thing in common: They are made victims of Homo Sapiens single worst design flaw, namely, pointless, purposeless abuse and cruelty. Pause and reflect on that for a moment. The kind of abuses and evils that almost always take place in captivity…
- Advice for the Times (2)
- Christian Patriarchy Movement (1)
- Cults (1)
- Elections (1)
- Fascism in Unexpected Places (1)
- Hatred For Educators (1)
- Hatred of Sex (5)
- Lethal Bigotry (1)
- MAGA (12)
- MAGA and Hitler Comparisons (5)
- MAGA Hate Speech Collection (3)
- MAGA Terrorism (2)
- Murderous Quotes and Hate Speech (4)
- My Crystal Ball (4)
- Outright Fascism (7)
- Project 2025 (6)
- Religious Dictatorship (6)
- Religious Nationalism (5)
- Right Wing "Parental Rights" (2)
- Right Wing Child And Spousal Abuse (2)
- Right Wing Child Endangerment (1)
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- Spiritual Abuse (2)
- Supreme Court (5)
- The Constitution (8)
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